A brother expressed his desire to attend a Bible school. Another brother tried to discourage him with these words:
“It’s unnecessary. Pray to God for the Holy Spirit. Jesus didn’t attend Bible school, and neither did any of the apostles. Just study the Bible intensely and go to church regularly…”
My response:
What a subtle but significant error. Jesus was a teacher, a rabbi! That means He didn’t just attend a Bible school—He ran one! Every rabbi has a school and a group of students at various levels of learning. Jesus had students too—12 in number! He taught them regularly, mentoring and exposing them to various ministry issues. This was entirely different from simply attending synagogue services or temple functions.
All the prophets in the scriptures were also trained. Have you read about the School of the Prophets in the book of Kings, where the sons of the prophets were trained?
It is a grave misconception to believe that attending a Bible school is a waste of time and that regular church services are sufficient. Attending church services regularly cannot replace sound theological training for ministry and leadership.
Church services are primarily devotional, aimed at discipleship for personal growth and building individual responsibility in the Lord. This differs significantly from Bible school, where you are trained to rightly divide the Word of truth, minister it effectively to others, and take on leadership responsibilities within the body of Christ.
To assume that church services alone suffice for theological training is not just an error but a sign of complacency. Those who dismiss theological training often operate with zeal but lack knowledge. They are usually the originators and propagators of doctrinal errors that the Church contends with today. Not even anointing or charisma can substitute for sound Bible school training.
Moreover, even a School of Ministry in your church cannot replace the comprehensive and rigorous training provided by a Bible school. Do not be quick to condemn what you don’t fully understand. Teaching is a full ministry gift, just like that of apostles and prophets. It is an office empowered by the Holy Spirit Himself—the greatest Teacher. You cannot excel in ministry without submitting yourself to the ministry of a teacher. That is the divine order.
Be serious and committed to your church services, but also seize the invaluable opportunity for sound theological training—especially if you have a calling or leadership responsibilities in the Church.
Dr. Emeka Ogbuju
Rector, Bible Life School